Friday, August 23, 2013

Middle Class

I've had the unique experience to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer in two countries of different economic structure. Mali and Morocco may both be considered 3rd world or developing countries, but the truth is that the two countries are on very different standards of living. While serving in Mali I would refer to the Moroccan version of the program as Posh Corps, in an effort to feel better about the struggles of living in Mali. Now, living in Morocco, I wonder how I ever survived Mali without an outlet to plug a fan into. However, the differences between working in a place like Mali and a place like Morocco go far beyond lack of creature comforts. A healthy middle class exists in Morocco, influencing the way Peace Corps volunteers function.

With practically any indicator, Morocco is far ahead of Mali in standards of living. Life expectancy in Morocco is 72 years and in Mali it is 55 years. Literacy rate in Morocco is 56% and in Mali it is 33%. Most interesting, the Per Capita GDP in Morocco is 5,400$ while in Mali it is 1,100$ (CIA World Factbook). In fact, many Malians hardly used currency, harvesting their crops and praying that it will last them until the next rainy season. Moroccans, on the other hand, can afford meat with most meals, can afford multiple sets of clothing, and almost always live with electricity and running water. A host family I lived with had satellite TV, internet, a washing machine, and a vehicle, and I wouldn't consider the family wealthy. A strong middle-class is present in Morocco.

A recent visit to the Ouzoud Waterfalls in central Morocco illustrated this fact. At mid-summer, the falls were swarmed with tourists. Many came from Europe or America, but it felt like maybe 75% were Moroccans.  The image above shows my friend Vince jumping into a swimming hole with Moroccan and European tourists walking along the canyons main path.  With temperatures soaring and no school in session, the falls make for an attractive destination. I saw Moroccan families picnicking in the shade or ordering a meal at one of the waterfront restaurants. Kids splashed in the shallows while teenagers encouraged each other to dive in from the steep edges of the river. Many groups were composed of young Moroccan males looking for a hike, a swim, and a relaxing place to smoke their hash. Ouzoud is quite the playground with swimming, cliff jumping, hiking, and spectacular views The fact that so many Moroccans can afford to visit indicates that this is a population with a bit of economic flexibility.

Economic stability fuels business in Morocco's urban areas. Not too long ago, most Moroccans farmed, but today, the country is 57% urban (Mali is 35%). Towns are crammed with shops and the economy is much more diversified than basic agriculture. Though unemployment concerns Morocco, there is enough freedom to fit into an agreeable occupation. My neighbor interested in languages teaches English at the High School and owns a book store. Moustafa is passionate about travel, and works as a taxi driver, giving him the chance to explore the sites of his country. Yunes is a barber, and I guess maybe he's into fashion or something. Though, these people often complain to me about poverty in Morocco and lack of employment opportunities, they are not stuck in agriculture. They can pursue their interests and can afford to go to the beach a few times per summer.

As a volunteer, my role feels much different in Morocco than it did in Mali. Receiving the same pay as I am in Morocco, I was by far the wealthiest person in my village in Mali. I ate the same food, fetched the same water, and lived in the same style mud hut as people in my village, but I was still relatively rich, and afforded trips to splurge in the cities. This created certain challenges. There was an overwhelming expectation for me to rescue the village by funding a large scale project. For many in my village, my purpose was little more than a source of money. I never did get the chance to raise the money that was expected from me, and to this day I have weird feelings about it. There was also the guilt of spending money on traveling and visiting American friends. Every beer I drank could have been money spent on fruits and vegetables for my neighbors. Observing the raw beautiful life of rural Mali touched me deeply, but I struggled to function and blend into the structure of the village's economy.

In Morocco, these stresses have been washed away. I am a piece of my town's economy now and my function makes sense. In Mali, I mostly observed. In Morocco, I have a chance to participate. Economically, I fit right in, affording a lifestyle similar to most Moroccans. Also, Through the inevitable cultural globalization that accompanies economic development, I am more able to communicate with and relate to Moroccans than I was able to with agrarian Malians. Our interests and hobbies overlap. I'm just a regular teacher, and integration comes natural. My language skills and understanding of Islam are much better than they were in Mali. I am able to share values and attitudes with those around me. Even though Morocco doesn't provide the opportunity for the mud hut organic lifestyle, its advantages still produce a powerful experience, where I am doing much more than just observing the activity around me.

I am very fortunate to have experienced a Peace Corps life in two countries. The differences between the two experiences allow me to realize the wide range of human lifestyles. In Mali I was rich and lived poor, struggling with the cruelties of rural Sahel and feeling guilty any time I used money to escape from it. In America I was poor but lived rich, abusing my creature comforts and feeling too much pressure to participate in consumerism that I could not afford. Morocco on the other hand, is a comfortable middle ground where I really can't complain about my financial situation. I do hope I get paid tomorrow though, because right now I am totally broke.

Below is Vince, Matthew, and Rebecca enjoying being middle class at Ouzoud.

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